Your first impression is that Kyoto is similar to other modern Japanese cities. However, you quickly realize the historical significance of this city demonstrated by the numerous historical monuments found throughout the city. You spend a lot of time walking from monument to monument. Beth would suggest signing up for a guided tour to see the city's famous sites.
Next stop, the Kiyomizu-Dera Temple. Obviously a famous site, as the locals were outside petitioning this site to become the eighth wonder of the world.
The Kiyomizu-Dera Temple with Kyoto in the background...
A favorite spot of Beth and mine was the Fushimi Shrine... also a famous shrine. This shrine is dedicated to Inari, the deity of sake and rice. It is formed out of hundreds of torii (gates).
The view from the top of the shrine with the town of Fushimi below.
Beth showing off the Sanmon (gateway) of the Nanzen-ji Temple... Another 14th century zen temple.